Finalists for best story of the semester

Dylan’s story about a new home for the Mirror Lake ducks.

Leisa’s story about a hat tradition that’s 100 years old.

Bree’s column about her dad’s deployment.

Getting a job!

Network!! Look and listen!! Don’t be intimidated by “requirements.” Can I live with this? Stay humble but hungry.

Here is a great post on tools you can use to make yourself stand out when applying for a job. And note what he says: RESUMES SHOULD BE ONE PAGE! JUST ONE! ONLY ONE!

A very prominent alumna passed this along for me to share with you all.

Interview tips:

Be early.

Dress nice.

Do your homework on the company, the people….and the competition.

Take notes.

Have questions, even basic ones. Examples: typical work day? Why do they work there? Highlight this year? Goals?

If you’re stumped, stall effectively.Examples: Restate the question. Tell you what it won’t be.

Eye contact.


Bring examples.

Always bring ideas.

Please and thank you.

Follow up.

Ask for feedback either way.


Variety of journalism topics to discuss

What do you think of ESPN’s interview/terms with Janay Rice?  Or the Today Show’s “exclusive?”

Interesting feature here from the Dispatch, but you all should have known it was coming!

Another example of social media getting “communication professionals” in trouble.

Feature Writing

Good story. Compelling characters. Full use of senses. Strong scene setting. Narrative arc. Good quotes. Deep reporting. Memorable. Not hard news, but has a news hook of some kind.

Some good ones from Lantern:

Best feature of the year 2011 according to Associated Collegiate Press.

Friends and rivals on the men’s basketball team.

Proof that OSU has secret societies…at least one!

I wrote this for Poynter. It uses 1st person, which normally you would not do, but features do let you bend/break some rules.

PROFILES!! Get to know a person, department, business, etc. on a different level than you and your audience normally would. More time you spend on these, the better they will be. Most are “positive,” but never forget the “to be sure” section, even if only a paragraph. Nothing is perfect. Life is not all sunshine and rainbows.

Here’s one from this semester that one of you wrote.

Here is a powerful one from ESPN and it is about far more than sports.

Election Night primer…and then a shift to First Person writing!

Here’s how the AP makes calls on Election winners.

Random question — what’s wrong with this lede:

A recent study found that 85 percent of journalism majors are having trouble writing ledes about surveys and research.


Just read this piece and it stuck with me.  This is somber, but important.

This piece ran in The Lantern last year. Short and powerful.

One of my favorite stories. Only time I wrote in first person for the AP as a full-time reporter.

This is one of the better personal experience/memoir pieces I’ve read in a while. The author ran the AP’s political team in DC when I was on the business staff.

Here is a first-person commentary that was broadcast, not written in a paper, etc.  Daily Show (Jon Stewart) weighs in on Ferguson/race.

Today’s presentation

In light of our talk on Monday, and mentioning this as a headline example in the past, what do you think of the story now?

Lantern coverage has evolved. Do you see it? EIC at the time had to address it.


1. Numerals are fine. Proper AP style in a story requires you to write: “The man robbed three women at gunpoint, police said.” But the hed for that story could say: Police: armed man robs 3 women.

2. Periods are not needed! Very rare that you will need to use a period in a headline unless you are trying to write complete sentences, which is also rare. A semi-colon or even a comma can be used to introduce a new thought. For example: Jobless rate hits 10 percent; 2 million people lost jobs in Oct.

3. Almost always OK to replace the word “and” with a comma. For example: Obama, Biden to visit Iraq….or Obama visits Iraq, Iran, Japan, China

4. Heds do NOT need to be complete sentences. See examples above.

5. Avoid question heds, quote heds, etc. They can be effective….RARELY!

6. Make sure the headline accurately portrays the story that follows. Think of them as sneak previews, OR PROMISES THAT MUST  BE KEPT.

7. Here are some to avoid! And a few more because they are too obvious!

8. It can leave lasting impression if headlines are misleading or wrong.


This article has lots of information on the Governor’s race here in Ohio.

Lots of talk about 2016 already…and Hillary. Lots of GOP-ers in the running for the White House in 2016, including many within a short drive of campus.

Daily Show does some nice work calling out the media for horse race coverage of politics. One example.

Dispatch does a nice job breaking down ad claims in one race that is close as Election Day gets closer.

Obama is campaigning for Governors in key states. Ann Romney making some news. Hillary on Colbert Report.

Social media

Stuff I picked up from listening to this guy for just an hour!

**It’s like 1996 with social media. In 1996, most people didn’t have an email address or use email.

**Hashtags are a digital fence. Let’s you track what people are saying and impact of your work. Can help gain loyal audience. #sreetips

**Reporters should be developing and accumulating lists of people to follow on social media. Check their FB and Twitter before you contact a source; follow them before a job interview.  Ask sources for their Twitter handles before interview over.

**Spend 3-6 minutes per tweet. Only thing I can do today that will get me fired. Also, all tweets part of National Archives!

**Journalists should  want to be found. Put contact info in twitter bio. Name, email, phone number.

Some good tips here for journalists using social media.  Another example of a journalist not being professional via social media and getting suspended for it. (Warning: offensive language)

Social media aiding journalist reporting is not new. WaPo used it seven years ago as part of Pulitzer-winning series.

Remember Bigggggg Mike? Lantern story that was exception to most social media rules.

Here is a great example of how social media gave a story, an obituary actually, new life. And where did I find the post that leads back to the actual story? From someone I follow on Twitter…of course!

Love it? Hate it? Somewhere in between? This story from the WaPo is innovative, but does it work for you?

Daily Show visited a certain school newspaper about the Internet killing newspapers. John Oliver responds to social media via YouTube…consistently.

Edit this!

The Ohio State University’s board of trustees will be addressing the issue of parking and transportation in Nov. with plans to overhaul CABs services and move more parking to the outskirt of campus to accommodate OSU growth in the coming years.

“All of this stems from The One Ohio State Framework Plan that was completed in 2010,” said Keith Myers, associate vice president of physical planning and real estate. “It included several high-level recommendations about the transportation system that would support the broader campus development vision.”

The framework plan focused on the idea of making OSU a “park once” campus for visitors and studentsthat would rely heavily on providing available parking outside of campus and its transit systems to move people through campus. The new proposal, called the Comprehensive Transportation and Parking Plan, or CTPP, is tied to that goal.

“The CTPP will follow the basic direction established in the framework plan,” Myers said. Myers did notethat the plan is not finalized and is open to input and revision in the coming months.

“In its stage now it is hard to state how the “park once” model will affect individual students,” said Dan Hedman, director of marketing and communications for the Office of Administration and Planning. “The “park once” model that was examined during the Framework study involves integrating all modes and facets of the transportation system into one.”

“Full implementation of the “park once” principle requires a robust alternative transportation system,” said Beth Snoke, director of transportation and traffic management. “It has to efficiently transport individuals from the parking facilities on the outskirts of campus to various destinations on campus.”

The proposal would replace several of the shuttle routes that run through campus with one “core campus circulator”. The new campus loop would be more similar to the new Central Ohio Transit Authority routes downtown started this year. Stops would be made around the loop with shuttles running in both directions including a primary shuttle hub on 17th from the loop.

To keep the shuttles running on time OSU would limit other vehicle traffic through central campus during the day. COTA routes would stay on the perimeter of campus

“Foot traffic at class changes is really significant right now,” Myers said. “Frankly, right now it can be really scary when there are cars and these big masses of people moving back and forth.”

Since the university switched from quarters to semesters pedestrian and cyclist traffic has increased according to school officials.

Stops would be made around the loop with shuttles running in both directions including a primary shuttle hub on 17th Ave. Other routes would branch out from the route.

“I think the biggest struggle with the university shuttle service is that even campus loop north and south, the closest to a circuit we have, are not even parallel routes,” Micah Sauder, a first-year in environmental engineering.

Right now the majority of campus parking is available on west campus in the carmack lots, or north in the gray lot by the Shchottenstein Center and the Buckeye lot off of Ackerman Rd. There are no major lots east of Neil Ave. and all major lots feed into state route 315.

“I also think it would be nice to have parking options on the outskirts around campus that would allow you to start your commute home quickly on several different highways,” said Sauder. “Hopefully that would help people who have to drive avoid traffic whether they are heading home or off to work.”

“I cannot speculate as to what the Board of Trustees will address in Nov.,” Hedman said. “Our goal is to present them the most developed and comprehensive options to allow for a safe and efficient transportation and parking system to support our growing infrastructure.”